
Hi there!

And the boring stuff...

I'm a Computer Vision Scientist at ByteDance, working on video content understanding for recommendation and moderation. I also have GAN-related experience from my time at Bigo Tech, where I made synthetic features look more realistic.

I defended my PhD at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) in October 2019. My supervisors were Lim Joo-Hwee (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR) and Tan Ah-Hwee (School of Computer Engineering, NTU). My research interests are in the areas of computer vision, pattern recognition and cognitive vision. During my PhD I designed models to enhance our digital memories and optimize the recollection experience.

Previously, I obtained my BSc and MSc in Telecommunications Engineering from UPC BarcelonaTech, where I collaborated with the Image Processing Group. My MSc thesis was co-supervised by Xavier GirĂ³-i-Nieto, and Shin'ichi Satoh at the NII of Japan.


If I'm not reading, coding, writing papers or creating silly webpages, you will most likely find me taking pictures of random stuff with my phone, at the cinema or, let's be honest, on my couch reading a book or watching the last Netflix release. To escape reality and relax, I find cooking and baking quite effective. I also try to travel as much as the deadlines allow, and enjoy making earings out of whatever trinket I find.